the journey begins...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Big Boy

Alhamdulillah, my son is making a lot of progress since we moved to Dubai/Sharjah. I'm very happy that everyday he's growing, physically and mentally. Here are some of his 'little' achievements;


1. Clearly states and informs his mom/dad when he needs to use the bathroom

2. Insists going through the bathroom process by himself

3. Sleeps in his own room (though occasionally moves to his parents' bed when he has a nightmare or scared of something)

4. Learns english everyday with some new words or phrases every week
His vocabulary at the time:
sleep, eat, sit, stand, pee, toilet, wash, hand, nose, tongue, eyes, ear, names of colour, numbers from 1-10, etc.
I consider this quite a development since Akram is a fluent Bahasa Indonesia speaker (mastering difficult and uncommon words, mainly because of his friendship with adults (my mom in law's boutique employees, my mom's gardener, the security guards...) also his interest in the medical world (my dad's an anesthesiologist and often shows Akram his doctor's tools..hehe)
He used to refuse learning other languages. He sometimes gets frustrated when people don't
understand what he's trying to say...oh my poor boy.. :P
But now he's more open...thank God.

5. Uses the car seat everytime we ride in his dad's car, but of course complains about it the first 10 minutes of the journey :)

6. Holds his pencil correctly.

7. Finally gains weight (only 1 kg though). Ever since Akram was weaned two years ago, he became a picky eater and didn't want to shift to cow's milk. He's still allergic when consuming pure cow's milk, but able to enjoy the flavored ones made from powdered cow's milk.

* picture: Akram in his school uniform


  • At 10:43 PM, Blogger thesuryantoros said…

    Akram, You are really a Big Boy now.....waktu memang berjalan dengan pasti yach Ras..gak terasa sudah besar aja....

  • At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ras, kenapa anak lo jadi kayak anak Arab gitu? Hehehehe ;-p
    Adduh, tapi kok jadi kurus ya?

  • At 9:17 PM, Blogger .moenlite. said…

    Bravo Akram!!
    Aunty is very proud of you :))

    [Big big hugs]

  • At 8:07 PM, Blogger kiky f said…

    akram ganteng, mau kenalan ama anak tante ngga? *wink*
    PS : makin mirip ama said...

  • At 8:43 PM, Blogger laras said…

    mba rian: akram suka tanya, "mami rian dokter gigi bukan?" hehe..masih inget dia

    indah: emang Akram sering banget diajak ngomong bhs Arab...guenya sering dikira baby-sitternya...hahah..maklum muka asli indonesia ginii...:P

    auntie yayang: cepetan kesini dong auntie....akram misses you very much!!

    kiky: boleh ky dikenalin...nanti kalau gue pulang main ke pejompongan ya sama double K!!! heheh...


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