the journey begins...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

a taste of home

It's been too long since I last wrote something on this blog. Happily got distracted by my family's long awaited visit. Akram was thrilled to see his grandma again (and vice versa). I'm out of his list for two weeks. Well, you never know you'd really miss someone or some place until you left them, that was what I felt when my mom and dad were here. In a matter of minutes, I became the spoiled little girl again. My mom did all the cooking, cleaning and of course taking care of her precious little grandson.

We didn't really go to a lot of places because mom, dad, mama melly and papa dad (my parents' best friends) were already too tired from their previous umrah and turkey trip. The most memorable trip we had was the desert safari (too bad ma melly and pa dad already went home to Jkt). The driver was crazy!!! I never thought dune bashing was THAT scary! This daredevil driver named Abrar was just fearless and reckless. We had flat tires twice but it didn't really matter because we were just mesmerized by the beauty of the desert. Akram was as usual drawn to the sand. My dad were busy taking pictures, and I was eagerly trying to be in each picture...hehehe..I just couldn't imagine how the people before us survived living in the desert, I won't last five minutes there in the scorching heat.

Done with dune bashing we went straight to the camp. There were already a bunch of tourists waiting for the main attraction of the night, the famous belly dancer. Akram immediately made friends with a young Indian woman (who turned out to be a teacher in a school in Sharjah), and called her Princess. The belly dancing performance was amazing. I kept wondering how the full-figured dancer could make her lower body vibrates without moving her upper torso? Even Beyonce and Shakira couldn't match her performance... :)
We went home with a nice surprise....the day after were the first day of Ramadhan! How great to celebrate it with my parents!

Now that it's just the three of us again, I must admit that I feel a bit lonely. We're back to our daily routine. Taking Akram to the bus, do some housework, picking him up in the afternoon, etc...etc...Sigh. Just can't wait 'til next summer so I can come with the ones I love, eat all the food I long to eat... :)


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